Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Ready, All Ready! Bike MS Coastal Challenge is Oct. 1 and 2

Aug. 27, 2011--Below Lakeview Point on Highway 18. Team ChainGang pumps it out! Kim, me, Kylie, Lisa and Dana.

Aug. 12--With my friend Cindy. A 4-mile hike and fantastic dinner! My legs were sore for two days from the steep downhill section! Super cool event started by Missy from the Mt. Baldy Lodge. 300 people attended.
Aug. 12--Moonrise over the Notch at Mt. Baldy.
    As these final days pass, leading up to the BikeMS: Coastal Challenge, I find myself so grateful to be able to ride my bike for this wonderful charity. This is the third year I've been able to participate, helped by the donations to the National Multiple Sclerosis Society--and good wishes--of so many. Margaret and Gerri, Debbie, Doreen, Mark, Sharon and Jan, Barbara, Susan, Marcia, Staci, Ron, and G and Sid, even my mom--to all of you I say thanks. Your donations totaled more than $1000, and I appreciate your generosity. Often when I ride, I remind myself that I'll recover from sore muscles and fatigue, but that those with MS will continue to struggle with balance issues, and tingling in their hands or feet, or lapses in memory. I ride for those who can't, so that someday we can find a cure.
     Reflecting on that makes me philosophical--but just momentarily until my practical side takes over! I had a great time 'training' over the summer, from hiking in the moonlight up to Mt. Baldy with friends, to paddling in Newport Beach around Balboa and Lido Isle to cycling in the farthest north place possible: Fairbanks, Alaska!


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